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What is the future of gum base?


For centuries, chewing gum has been a daily life snack that offers people pleasure, relaxation, and breath-freshening. The gum base is the key to making chewing gum popular, interesting, and unique. As consumers increasingly demand environmental protection, sustainability, and natural ingredients for chewing gum, the future of the gum base is likely to change dramatically as well.

Talking about the future development of gum base, it is necessary first to understand the current situation of gum base. So, let's first understand the current main composition and ingredients and their function of the gum base. 

The current gum base mainly comprises rubber, wax, ester gum, PVAC, filler, antioxidants, etc. All these ingredients are mixed with a reasonable percentage to get an ideal chewy texture gum base. Still, they are not biodegradable, contributing to the ongoing gum litter problem in public places. Since chewing gum is very popular and there are many consumers, some people worry that chewing gum waste is not degradable and will cause a lot of burden on the environment. Based on the above concerns, the future development trend of gum base, degradable chewing gum is in a very important stage. The premise of degradable chewing gum production is to have a degradable gum base and other degradable raw materials. Gum base manufacturers' research and development of biodegradable gum base has become a trend, and it's worthwhile and meaningful. Biodegradable gum bases represent a significant leap forward in addressing the environmental challenges associated with gum litter. The biodegradable gum base can break down naturally over time, reducing the long-lasting presence of discarded gum on streets and sidewalks. This kind of gum base may contain natural ingredients like chicle, a latex harvested from the sapodilla tree, as a replacement for synthetic elastomers. Many people generally believe that the production of degradable environmentally friendly gum base is the premise of the production of degradable chewing gum, and the development and production of degradable gum base will likely be one of the major difficult tasks for major gum base production factories for a long time in the future. Selecting natural raw materials to produce biodegradable gum base is not the most difficult task. How to balance the ratio of natural raw materials to achieve the smooth, soft taste of chewing gum is the need for major gum base manufacturers to explore and test. Reducing the cost of various natural raw materials is also a problem they need to consider.

Besides considering the degradable gum base, manufacturers are also working on developing new gum bases that can extend the release time of the flavors. The consumers prefer a chewing gum that keeps the flavor fresh and has a longer chewing experience. That is another work the gum base manufacturers need to do. 

On the other hand, in this day and age, everyone likes new things. Gum base manufacturers must develop new possibilities for the use of gum bases. Some gum manufacturers incorporate functional ingredients into their gum bases, making the gum a delivery system for vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts. These functional gum bases cater to the needs of health-conscious consumers, not just a breath freshener. There are already some gum base factories that sell gum base to some cosmetics companies and sell to some hospitals to develop the new interesting use of gum base in medicine. Some dental hospitals are already using gum-based special sugars to strengthen their patients' teeth or bite force.

In conclusion, gum base manufacturers' new chance and challenge is to develop gum bases for industries besides those used to produce chewing gum or bubble gum. However, there are many possibilities for the future of gum bases. Gum base manufacturers must comply with gum base manufacturing specifications and production standards when developing those new possibilities. 

The future of gum base is an interesting and exploring subject that attracts gum base manufacturers to work on it. Driven by sustainable development and natural ingredients, the future gum base may add more natural ingredients to achieve the purpose of degradation to achieve sustainable development of the gum base. Reducing costs and considering a reasonable proportion of natural ingredients will be one of the gum base manufacturers' most important and difficult tasks. Driven by the demand for flavor innovation, it is necessary to try to use gum bases in some other fields besides chewing gum and bubble gum. Then, gum base manufacturers must test and produce gum bases that meet the special requirements according to different fields. 

As we look to the future, it is clear that the gum-based industry is embracing change to meet the challenges of a more sustainable and consumer-driven future. With constant innovation, the base future will be bright and interesting.

Author: Wuxi Gum Base
Publication Date: 9/12/2023

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Wuxi Gum Base Manufacture Co., Ltd.

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