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Welcome to Wuxi Gum Base Manufacture Co., Ltd.


Gumbase End Products

The gum candy end product is critical in deciding what type of gum base you need. Nice Gum Base has more than 260 different gum base combinations, and we are continually developing more to suit our customers' particular recipes and requirements. The filler, the shape, and the consistency can all be influenced greatly by the formula of your gum base end product.

What type of Gum Candy are you interested in creating?

Chewing Gum:
 Chewing gum candy recipes concentrate on the gum base's flavoring and consistency. The complex flavoring you may require will determine the fillers you may need. You want a distinctive flavor with a special taste, sensation, and durability.

Bubble Gum: The consistency and ability to blow bubbles are critical in bubble gum recipes. In this kind of gum, the durability and elasticity is the most important to achieve.

Center Filled: Center-filled gum candy recipes usually require a very soft gum base and the possibility to contain acidic taste flavorings, often in liquid form in the interior. These acidic flavorings can affect the integrity of the gum base so, the filler composition will be critical.

Lollipop Gum: Bubble gum for lollipop centers has a specific consistency and composition that must be compatible with the lollipop candy composition.

Cotton Gum: Specialized bubble gum recipes that require specialized machinery and specific gum base consistencies.

Roll Tape Gum: This of bubble gum candy packaging types requires special attention to the filler composition to ensure that the gum does not stick and lose its "rolling" effect.

The type of Gum Candy you are manufacturing, and the specific recipe you use will determine the best Gum base for you. The final composition of the gum base used to make your end product depends not only on the recipe but also on other factors, such as transport issues, storage issues, the chewiness of the end product, flavor and color, length of flavor retention, and cost.

As you can see, no two recipes are the same, and no two end products are the same, and this means you will need the best gum base for your situation. If you need help determining which gum base is best for you, then contact us, and our experts will help you through the process.

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Popular Gumbase End Products

Take a look at some of our popular Gumbase End Products and remember, if you have any doubts or questions, we are always online, and we would be delighted to help. Please contact us using the form below, we will respond to you within 12 hours (time zones permitting).

Bazooka bubble gum

For bazooka bubble gums, there's a kind of medium package. Usually, they are different kinds of tattoo papers. Many people like to collect these...


Ball bubble gum

There are many shapes of ball bubble gum, such as olive, lemon, mushroom, corn, cola bottle, bullet, gourd, grenade, crayon, strawberry chalk, and...


Coating chewing gum

The recipes for coating chewing gum look for a durable gum base that will be good taste, flexibility, softness, and chewability. Coating chewing gum...


Stick chewing gum

The gum base for stick chewing gum should be soft, elastic, have no odor, and chewable. Stick chewing gum is more popular among adults due to its...


Cotton Gum

This is a novelty gum candy end product with an unusual texture and consistency. These unusual bubble gum recipes are continuously under development...


Roll Tape Gum

An interesting and fun form of bubble gum the roll tape gum requires a very specific filler composition to avoid the roll from sticking within its...


Lollipop Gum

Lollipop manufacturers frequently use gum bases to add bubble gum centers to their candy. The gum base used in these cases must have the correct...


Center filled gum

Center-filled gum recipes focus on the strong and distinctive flavor contained in the center of the gum base. These recipes require a gum base that is...



Contact Us

If you have any doubts or questions on how to set up your own confectionery production system, or if you are an existing confectionery factory and you would like clarification on anything regarding the Gum Base sector,  please contact us using the form below. We will respond to you within 12 hours (time zones permitting).

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Contact Us

Wuxi Gum Base Manufacture Co., Ltd.

Wechat: Thomas-wuxi
No.26, Zhujiang Road, Xinwu district, Wuxi, China
813# Yinxiu Road, Binhu District, Wuxi, China, Post Code: 214000