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What are the benefits of chewing gum?


Do you ever chew chewing gum or bubble gum in your daily life? I think the answer is yes; most people must have chewed gum or bubble gum, even though some may chew gum many times a day. Do you ever think about the question of what the benefits of chewing gum are? Let's answer this question today.

When it comes to the benefits of gum chewing, the first thing that most people think of is the benefits of teeth. Chewing gum is made from a gum base that has been mixed with sugar or sugar-free sweeteners, glucose, flavours, lecithin, glycerin, and other ingredients. Their gums have a certain effect on cleaning the teeth by chewing, which helps prevent dental caries and reduce dental plaque. The raw materials produced by chewing gum usually contain a calcium component. When chewing, the material can remove the food residue on the surface of the teeth and play a role in cleaning the teeth. Chew a piece of gum before meals to remove the dirt in your mouth; it helps open the taste buds and improve your appetite. Chewing a piece of gum after meals can suck off the food residue in the mouth, remove the taste of the real thing, and help you breathe fresh. After chewing gum, the mouth becomes fresh, and some people feel this can increase self-confidence and personality charm. Young people often chew gum before going to a party or dating. Gum chewing can significantly eliminate the odour of the oral cavity, ensure oral hygiene, and prevent the symptoms of oral ulcers. Studies have shown that a piece of gum chewed for 10 minutes can attach about 100 million bacteria. However, after 30 seconds, the ability of gum to adsorb bacteria gradually diminishes, and its oral cleaning effect deteriorates. If it takes more than 10 minutes, the gum will harden, affecting the adhesion of the glue to bacteria and causing the adsorbed bacteria to re-enter the oral cavity. So the time to chew a piece of gum should be appropriate and not too long.

Another common benefit of gum chewing is that it promotes saliva secretion and can also promote chewing exercise.

Chewing some gum appropriately can promote saliva secretion, and saliva secretion can help promote food digestion and improve appetite. Usually, you can chew gum properly, which can help digestion and absorption.

In chewing gum, you can increase the chewing exercise of the masseter muscle. If you often chew gum, it can develop the masseter muscle and increase the effect of chewing food. Gum chewing can help gastrointestinal motility, thereby helping digestion, especially for those patients with abdominal surgery who should chew more gum.

When we watch the NBA basketball game, we can often see some athletes chewing gum during the competition or when they are awarded. This is also an important reason why many people love chewing gum. In the competition, when watching TV, watching movies, driving, or riding, even when you're tired, sleepy, bored, or unhappy, chewing gum in your mouth can relieve your mental tension, regulate your emotions, and make your mood happy and relaxed, also help you keep your head awake.

The benefits of gum chewing are numerous; adults and children love chewing gum. Some people say that chewing gum has a thin-face effect. Chewing for an hour can burn approximately 11 calories. Many people love chewing gum because they want to have a thin face. On the other hand, chewing gum contains some sugar and flavour; if your mouth is idle, you can chew pieces of gum, which can help you resist hunger and consume calories. If you enjoy chewing gum but are concerned that the sugar in the gum will make you fat, you can chew sugar-free chewing gum instead. Nowadays, chewing gum manufacturers make a variety of chewing gum to attract consumers, not only by developing different flavours of chewing gum to meet the preferences of different people, such as mint flavour, strawberry flavour, and fruity mixed flavours but also by developing chewing gum and bubble gum, both of which contain sugar or are sugar-free. Chewing gum on the market can meet the chewing gum requirements and preferences of various people.

We use our teeth and tongue the most when chewing gum. Some doctors think there are some benefits to chewing gum; gum chewing uses the teeth and tongue and can enhance the vitality of the tongue and chewing muscles. If the tongue is too active, it will indirectly stimulate the brain, leading to facial neuritis, slowing brain atrophy, and facial neurosis. Gum chewing also helps stimulate salivary acid secretion, increase cerebral blood flow, increase oxygen supply, ensure the vitality of brain nerve cells, and improve attention and memory ability. Proper chewing of some gum is indeed beneficial.

Although chewing gum has many benefits, it is necessary to be appropriate.

We are professionals in chewing gum, bubble gum, etc. If you have any other doubts, feel free to contact us. All of our colleagues in Wuxi Gum Base will try their best to answer your questions and solve your worries.

Author: Wuxi Gum Base
Publication Date: 11/10/2022

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