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How to Make Gum from Gum Base?


What do you think if you can make your gum? We know that buying chewing gum is a piece of cake, it is cheap, and you can easily find them in every store. But have you ever thought that most chewing gums have a similar flavor, whether mint, strawberry, or grape? Think about your favorite flavor that is almost impossible to find in chewing gum. How about coffee-flavored chewing gum? Ginger? Refreshing lemongrass and lime flavor? Do your creativity for any taste and color with your homemade gum.

Make gum at home

You can make your gum using gum base at home using any ingredients from your kitchen like jello, kool-aid, and icing sugar. We recommend you use granule gum bases to apply home production gum easily.

The texture of the gum base is quite hard, so you need to warm them up in the microwave first. But before that, mix up the gum base with corn syrup, sprinkle with coloring & flavoring powder that you can get from kool-aid or jello, and then put it in the microwave for 30 seconds.

After 30 seconds in the microwave, the gum base started to get softer, and we needed to press them down to get it mixed with the color and the flavor. After that, we need another 30 seconds session in the microwave to ensure that everything is well-mixed. In this step, it is very optional whether you want to put another 15 minutes in the microwave, depending on the texture and consistency of your gum mixture, or if you still have any chunk of the gum base on your variety.

Once the mixture is ready, prepare the icing sugar and pour the mixture into the icing sugar. Mix it up with a spatula until it becomes dough. Once the dough is solid enough, you can try to press and fold it with your finger. Continue to do this until you cannot find any sticky spot on your dough.
After you get a consistency of chewing gum, then there you go! Your chewing gum is ready. You need to cut it out into small pieces or tear it up and shape it with your finger.

Gum in Business

You always need a gum base to make your chewing gum because 60% of your chewing gum is a gum base. So, you only have a paste of color and flavor without gum bases with no chew. Gum base is a non-nutritive substance that can't dissolve in water and supports the edible and soluble ingredients in the gum (sugar, glucose, and flavor). Gum bases can give chew to your gum mixture because they have polymer, plasticizer, and wax.

Now, let's think the chewing gum from a business perspective. Having a gum business is not a bad idea, as chewing or bubble gum is a favorite candy for everyone. In this era, even dental care need chewing gum for health purposes. In this case, we can see that there are still a lot of opportunities for a gum business. It would help if you had a little bit of creativity and innovation. We are sure that your gum can compete well in the market.

Before starting the gum business, one needs to be concerned that high-quality gum starts from the high-quality gum base, as gum base plays a significant role in chewing bubble gum. Choosing a suitable gum base might be the first thing you need to do before making the gum.
Wuxi Gum Base can provide wholesale high-quality gum base for your business in any shape, like granule gum base or blocked gum base that can be applied in any gums like stick chewing gum, hard or powdered coat chewing gum, center-filled chewing gum, and ball or cube bubble gum. Granule gum base is recommended to make a small gum shape, while the blocked one is preferred when you want to make a big gum size. They both have complied with the FDA and EU health standards for food grade. The good thing about Wuxi about their product is that the regular inspection maintains the standard of taste, texture, and aroma quality.

Gum in Business

How to make gum for business

Producing a significant amount of gum for business is different from homemade gum in your kitchen. This is the instruction on how to make gum for your business:
  • If you are using the blocked gum base, grind the gum base into granules and heat them in the oven.
  • If you use the blocked sugar, chew them into powder and mix all the raw ingredients in a big mixer.
  • Start the primary forming with the extruder.
  • Once it is formed enough, start the final forming with forming machine.
  • The last step is the cooling session. You can cool down the gum with a cooling tunnel.
  • Producing gum for business might be more complex than making small homemade gum. Hence, you will need some machines to support the production. Wuxi Group also provides machines for your gum production. All of them can be found through this link:
How to make gum for business

Author: Wuxi Gum Base
Publication Date: 10/16/2021

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Wuxi Gum Base Manufacture Co., Ltd.

Wechat: Thomas-wuxi
No.26, Zhujiang Road, Xinwu district, Wuxi, China
813# Yinxiu Road, Binhu District, Wuxi, China, Post Code: 214000